My focus is to use my many years of experience of energy healing to relieve the suffering and reverse the debilitating effects caused by trauma to the brain. Please view the client testimonials at the bottom of this page for examples of my my work.
Over my career, I have had great success in treating brain trauma and brain diseases.
I have assisted stroke survivors in their healing journey, helping them to regain function of their bodies and grow a positive mindset.
I have helped a child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome gain more brain function which enabled him to calm himself, rationalize his responses and articulate his needs while understanding what is being asked of him by his caregivers.
I helped people to recover quickly from concussions.
I have worked with a patient in comas, helping them to return to consciousness and regain cognitive skills.
I have also had success in reducing the side effects of degenerative diseases.
I have also assisted professional athletes, to help them recover from concussions and long-term damage caused by repeated head traumas.
If you, or a loved one is suffering from the seriously debilitating effects of a brain injury, please use the online booking form to book a free consultation.
Here are some testimonials from brain Injury clients who have received positive results from energy healing treatments.

Treatment of Brain Injury
Meet My Little Buddy Sienna
Sienna was born with a multitude of physical and mental challenges.
Due to the incredible determination and healing skills of her mother Jessica, Sienna has wiped away many of the dire predictions placed upon her by "The Experts."
Her mother and I have worked together helping members of her parent healing group cope with the extreme challenges of raising children with disabilities.
It is incredible what these parents endure day in and day out, some without anyone to assist them.
Jessica and I have been working on developing Sienna's ability to speak, something that was deemed impossible by the system.
Her inability to voice her thoughts causes bouts of extreme frustration, which compounds the issue.
Over the last month we are seeing the fruits of our efforts.
Sienna is much more calm.
She now has a self motivated interest in books and will pick them up without encouragement and sound out the words that go with the images.
It is safe to say that the system knows very little about the brains ability to rewire itself with consistent effort using healing techniques that predate anything produced by the hands of man.
We have a lot of work ahead of us, but it is a labour of love.
They live in Australia so all the updates I receive are via video calls.
The feelings I get watching her read a book and hearing her speak is beyond the limitations of written language.
Healing energies are not bound by space and time and are unfazed by the doubts of the ignorant.
This has taken place from halfway around the globe.
I am constantly humbled and amazed by the incredible healing capabilities of the mind, body and spirit.

The Healing Journey of Amari
I love working with children.
When you help to heal a child there is an entire lifetime of experiences that will dramatically improve as a result.
Amari was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. (FAS)
It has seriously impaired his mental development and his ability to function on a daily basis.
As a four-year-old he was unable to communicate his needs or take direction form his caregivers.
He would act out his frustrations in a physical manner that made him an extremely challenging child to manage.
He was not able to attend any preschool or daycare facilities due to his erratic behavior.
His constant need for high-level supervision wore down his Grandmother Sheri, who is his primary caregiver.
The conventional medical system states that there is no cure or treatment for FAS
Fortunately, the healing energies of the Universe say otherwise.
This is a lovely example of the power of distant healing work.
I have never met Amari or Sheri in person.
He has no idea of my existence or my work on him.
I am grateful to Sheri for allowing me to share Amari’s healing journey as it develops.
Mark has continued to work on my grandson. I notice that he is becoming more considerate of others, thinking of consequences.
He listens far better, something that is almost impossible for little ones with FAS to achieve.
He has been able to express himself and explain why he is feeling certain ways about things.
I am absolutely thrilled by these developments.
He has gone from having terrible mental meltdowns to none at all.
He is quickly becoming a normal little guy.
Others are noticing the shift in his behavior and have commented. They are impressed by the development especially with the traumatic experiences he has had at such a young age.
His Dayhome provider says he still needs constant supervision, but he now has the ability listen, focus and follow through with instructions.
I am so grateful.
Thank you, Mark.
Bless you.

Meet My Friend Gary
Gary served as Chief of the proud Shishalh First Nation’s people for many years.
He is fiercely dedicated to them.
He worked tirelessly for justice as he sought to help heal their wounds and secure their rights as sovereign people under the colonial system.
Seven years ago, Gary suffered a great wound of his own, when a massive stroke left him in a debilitated physical state.
Gary continued to fight for his people as he worked to rehabilitate his body.
Under conventional practices, they state that biggest recovery from the effects of a stroke will occur in the first three months.
After this time, they do not expect the average case to show much progress.
Through a mutual friend, I was introduced to Gary, and we visited his home in Sechelt, BC, Canada.
After a 90-minute session, Gary was able to move his arm with a wider range of motion.
Encouraged by this immediate progress, I designed a healing protocol for Gary, and I proceeded to work on him from a distance for the next five weeks.
I touch base with Gary every two weeks to get a progress report.
The news is encouraging.
Gary now finds it easier to move about his home with his walking stick.
He can attach a ten-pound weight to his leg and exercise with it.
He sleeps through the night for the first time in seven years.
His hip is no longer stiff.
Gary has a long road ahead of him to reach his goals for his recovery, but the small improvements over the first five weeks of energy healing work have moved things in the right direction.
We are all born with the capability to heal ourselves and others.
All it takes is practice and dedication and The Universe will provide the magic.

Meet My Friend Jack
This is a photo of Jack before he suffered a massive stroke due to several blood clots in his brain.
While trying to recover, he was further stricken by two traumatic brain seizures.
His physical abilities were limited to getting out of bed to go to the washroom with the aid of a walker and others.
I was contacted by his wife Cathy and family friend Dana and asked if I could try and assist Jack.
After ten days of distant healing work, Jack can now walk upright with proper posture and his outlook on life is once again hopeful and positive.
His health care workers and loved ones cannot help but see the astonishing progress his is making.
We have a long road ahead of us to get Jack back on track, but he is off to a roaring start.
We were born with the ability to repair ourselves and others.
All you need to do is believe in the power of intention and develop your focus and the Universe will supply the magic.
We are all energy.
We are all connected.