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  1. I offer a complimentary and confidential consultation in regards to your personal healing requirements. You can book a consultation by using the online booking form.

  2. Together we will choose the best program to match your needs. The pricing will be discussed at this time, and we can find the most cost effective program for your budget, ie; one hour long session vs continuous programs.

  3. Once we decide which is right for you, we will schedule an in-person, (if you are local), or a distant healing session via telephone or zoom.

           4. During the course of your program, any and all questions are welcome. 


            All programs are designed to help you heal your mind, body and spirit.


            Only by acknowledging and addressing the needs of all three can we facilitate a complete healing. 


What is Shamanism?


It is the oldest form of healing therapy on earth.


The shaman is the conduit between the energies of The Universe and the people.


The Shaman is the healer of the mind, body and spirit, knowing that all three must be aligned to achieve a complete healing.


The shaman believes that all natural things on the earth, the sky, water, the trees, the animals and the humans all contain spirits that are having a physical experience.  


The Shaman interacts with these spirits and accesses the collective wisdom that they have accumulated over the millenia.


The shaman is guided to journey into the dark places of the past to find the fragments of our spirits that broke off from us during traumatic life experiences. These fragments relive the energy of the trauma in a constant timeless loop. Because they are a piece of us, we are constantly reliving the energy of life trauma in a continuous loop until this part of us is healed and brought forward to be with us in the present. This is known as soul piece retrieval. It is the oldest form of mental health therapy on earth.


The shaman is aware that the energies that are the driving force behind nature can be channeled into the body to revitalize and heal our avatars.


The shaman is aware that oftentimes we are trespassed against by the energies of others. They are proficient at protecting against those who attempt to steal power from another.


Beyond their healing work, the shaman wears many hats. They facilitate blessings on people, places and things, act as marriage counselors, mediate business disputes and family matters and are often advisors to leaders of their community. 


Find out how you can benefit from having a shaman in your corner.


Book a consultation today.




I offer both in person and distant healing. The majority of my clients live a great distance away from me. Here’s my process for both local and distant sessions:


© 2024 Mark Lemohr. All rights reserved.

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