We are what we think
Our mind is constantly creating our reality.
Our thoughts, words and actions are our seeds of creation. The Universe takes them from us and blows them up ahead where they grow to create the reality in which we will walk into.
The mind generates over six thousand thoughts per day. How many of them are constructive?
Most of our thought processing ability is developed by age five through the programming that we receive from our parents, siblings, extended family, peers, and authority figures.
This input is often not of the best quality and this influence creates negative consequences throughout our lifetime. It leads to the creation of repetitive unwanted experiences.
The negative thoughts that we hold onto can cause illness in the mind, body and spirit.
It takes conscious effort to acknowledge the bad programming, remove it from our minds and reprogram ourselves with the thought patterns that lead to the creation of happiness. We can break the cycle
Through awareness, understanding, compassion and action we can create an existence within our thoughts that will help us manifest our true potential in this lifetime.
As we heal our minds we change everyone and everything that we encounter. Humanity and its collective soul evolves as each one of us works towards being the best version of themselves as possible through improving our thoughts, words and action.
What is the mind?
The mind is a collection of thoughts and perceptions and interpretations of our life experiences.
They pool together to develop a consciousness of their own that becomes a filter through which we process our life.
Buddhists call it the chattering monkey. They believe that the mind is the source of all suffering. It will not stop running our lives until we learn how to tame it through becoming accountable for our thoughts, words and actions.
The chattering mind is often running back and forth between the uncertainty of future events and the review of outcomes from the past. When this happens we are not living in the present. It never wants to be quiet and live in peace.
Once you learn to quiet the monkey you will find yourself living in a peaceful void that is separate from the mind. Here is where all of the answers to life's questions can come to you with ease. This is how we are meant to be. It is what the Buddhists call “The Self.”
The self is at peace within its existence. It lives in harmony with the flow of the universe. We get to enjoy each moment as it passes, observing the world with wonderment as the synchronicity of life and our place within it unfolds before us.
Come and learn that you are not the sum of your thoughts, but something much greater as we work to create a peaceful buffer between yourself and your mind.
I can’t wait to teach you a wonderful set of tools that will help you accomplish this.
Mind Ailments: Some Examples
Having spent three years in clinical depression, I know what it is like to wake and wonder what the point of the day is when it feels just as sad and empty as the days, weeks and months before.
Finding my way back into the light again has allowed me to develop a highly effective treatment program based on personal experience.
Prescription medications can provide aid in some cases, but they are not without negative side effects.
Energy healing can be applied to the mind with positive results and without harmful side effects. Negative energy stored in the cells of the mind, body and spirit can be replaced with the light of the divine, breaking the chains of this debilitating mental state.
When we react to life situations with fear it can quickly become a habit. We often think of multiple life problems in rapid succession, which can cause a sensory overload within our thought process.
Once fear permeates the mind on a consistent basis it can become extremely difficult for us to face the simplest of challenges without becoming anxious.
I have developed simple to use and highly effective techniques for reducing anxiety.
Together we will have you living your life with confidence instead of fear.
Perhaps you are empathic towards the emotional energies of others to the point of finding it difficult to be in public or social settings.
With daily energy treatments I can remove the fear-filled energy stored in the mind, allowing you to work from a place of calmness towards your daily life.
Through the use of the mental tools I have developed, we will create the strength and grace that is required to accept that which we cannot change and change that which we have the power to do so.
Pieces of our spirit break away from us at traumatic events in our lives. They remain stranded in the past, constantly reliving the pain of the event in an endless loop. This is how an experience that happened long ago can still profoundly affect us in the present.
We will heal the lost pieces of your spirit and bring them forward so that we clear the energetic attachment to the trauma of past experiences.
Pieces of us can also break off and remain at moments of elation that have passed, ie; a cherished relationship. This can become a skewed filter through which we judge all other life experiences, degrading our enjoyment of the moment as we feel that nothing will make us feel great again. We can find and heal these pieces and bring them forward so that we can regain the ability to enjoy The Now.
Addiction is the side effect of trauma. Once we must heal the cause of the mental affliction, we have a very good chance of being able to cure the side effects. We can release our dependencies and heal the addiction.
I left home when I was fifteen-years-old and lived on the streets. There I witnessed addiction on a very large scale. I was completely addicted to drugs and alcohol and I lived a life of crime. I know what it is like living in the belly of the beast. I know how difficult it is to find your way back into the light.
Many recovery programs require that you reside within a treatment center for a specified amount of time. This type of program can be effective, but comes at a high cost of both time and money. I have developed and refined a daily energy treatment program that allows you to stay productive in your life while you recover.
If you are serious about wanting to heal and recover then we can work miracles together.
I developed a set of simple and effective tools. I can’t wait to share them with you.
Daily energy treatments will ease the mental pain of the recovery and aid in the rehabilitation process. They will help to instill confidence and positive energy to motivate you towards staying committed to your healing journey.
We got this.
Blockages to Success
We are the creators of our reality. Once we accept responsibility for this and discipline our thoughts, we can put our mind to work for us. We will manifest the type of life we wish to accomplish in this lifetime.
It sounds simple and easy because it is. It is our blockages created by old belief systems dating back to our childhood that often sabotage our results.
Through the use of energy treatments we can shed light on old thought programs that repeatedly prevent us from reaching our true potential.
When we change our thoughts, we change our lives.
Removal of Negative Energy Attachments
If we think of a person, place or thing or life event we attach ourselves to it energetically, If we focus on it we will root our energy into it. If we obsess about it we will imprint it into our DNA and pass it onto the next generation.
Once we connect to a negative event in our lives it begins to drain our energy. If we collect enough of these negative attachments they can become paralyzing.
Energy cords are designed to allow us to feel the emotional connection to life experiences so that we can become aware of the impact and create awareness of the level of importance we assign to each event as it occurs. Once the emotion has been felt we must remove the energetic cord from our energy field or else it will continue to deplete us mentally, physically and spiritually.
I can’t wait to teach you how to recognize and remove old negative energy attachments.
You will also learn how to recognize and remove new ones as they form.